DOI: 10.46340/eppd.2024.11.1.5
Olga Ivanytska, D.Sc. in History
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Olena Chaltseva, D.Sc. in Political Science
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
How to cite: Ivanytska, O., Chaltseva, O. (2024). Security Dimension of Spain’s Euro-Atlantic Integration: Conclusions for Ukraine. Evropsky Politicky a Pravni Diskurz, 11, 1, 38-50.
The present article is concerned with the national security aspects of Spain’s accession to European Economic Community (EEC) / European Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). One of the goals pursued in this paper is for Ukraine to adopt some particular features and experience of Spain’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration practices consistent with the local context. The author analysed the Spanish and Ukrainian historiography on the issues under investigation. This paper analyses geographical range of geostrategic and national security interests of Spain. As the country is situated on the periphery, in the south of the Iberian peninsula, they are concentrated in the Mediterranean region and in Maghreb. The Mediterranean area, which includes the southern and south-eastern coasts of Spain, is the gate of the Atlantic Ocean and the crossroads, both the contact and the conflict zone for a number of European, African as well as Asian states. Ukraine’s prospects in this context are also the subject of analysis.
During the years of Francoism, the security interests of Spain in the military sphere were determined by the bilateral common defence treaty with the USA, and the preferential agreement with the EEC on the most favoured nation treatment in the economic sphere.
The security and defence dimensions of Spain did not change in the post-Francoist epoch. The mechanisms of their implementation were supplemented, besides the relations of the USA, by the country’s membership of NATO, Western European Union (WEU) and EEC (the EU). As a member of NATO, Spain became ultimately confirmed in its national security interests. NATO membership determined the defence functions of the country concentrated in the Pyrenees, Eastern Atlantic and Western Mediterranean region.
Keywords: Spain, security, NATO, European Economic Community, European Union, the Mediterranean region, referendum.
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